We require a signature on delivery for the following order types. This requirement cannot be removed.
Which order types can require an adult’s signature?
- Large Item Delivery
- Will Call
- PayPal orders over $750
- Any order shipping outside the United States
- Some ‘third-party seller’ items ‘Shipped by Newegg’ may require signature service.
- Items in the following categories may require a signature upon delivery. If your item requires this you will see this at checkout.
- Desktop/Gaming PC
- TV & Video
- Home Video
- Notebooks
- Tablets
- Some High-value items
Why does the item I purchased require an adult’s signature?
This is done to ensure that high-value items reach you without any problems. The carrier will not leave the item at the shipping address without an adult signature.
- There is no additional charge for shipments that require an adult’s signature.
- “Signature Required” service is specifically for pre-selected high-value items.
- For UPS, if at least one delivery attempt has been made, you can pick up the package in person at your local UPS hub. Be sure to bring proper ID, and call UPS ahead of time with the tracking number to get the hub’s address and the time you should get there. They’ll let you know of a pickup time when the hub is open.
Will “adult signature required” apply to my entire order?
If required a package that contains the pre-selected high-value items will require an adult signature on delivery, but items that are shipped separately will not.
Do I have an option to remove the “adult signature required” feature from the shipping method?
No. The purpose of the “adult signature required” option is to protect both you, the customer, as well as Newegg.
Some items, like a $500.00 CPU, are of high value and may be more subject to theft. We want to reduce the risk of having your package stolen, so we add “adult signature required” to ensure your package is safe from theft.
Should we determine that your item(s) requires a signature, you will not pay extra for this service. Newegg incurs the charge.
Is “adult signature required” feature available for all products? Can I contact customer service to have it added?
“Adult signature required” is not available for all products. If available, you will see this option. If required this feature will be added to your shipping method in your shopping cart.
Although we determine which items require a signature, you don’t pay for this service. Newegg incurs the charge.
How do I know if a product will require an adult signature on delivery?
You’ll see it listed on your checkout step when purchasing an item.