Benefits of a Newegg Account Benefits of a Newegg Account Want a better customer experience? When you create a Newegg account, you have personalized and...
Changing your password To change your account password, please go to your Account Settings. Edit the section titled Password, then save Changes. Passwords...
Changing your email address To change your email address (your login ID), please go to your Account Settings. Select Edit to the right of...
Too many login attempts For security reasons, our website will stop you from logging in after too many failed tries. If you’re having trouble...
2-Step Verification 2-Step Verification helps add an extra layer of security for your Newegg account by asking you to enter a unique security code in addition to your password.
Suspended account If you see the following message upon attempting to login or if your account has been suspended, don’t worry this...
CCPA Agent Authorization Form If you are a resident of California and would like to designate an authorized agent to make a request to...