Gaming PC Finder

Our Gaming PC Finder easily allows you to find a computer based on your gaming preference and budget. We’ve brought you the Gaming PCs to play some of the most popular games.

Go to our Gaming PC Finder here to check it out.

How do I use the Gaming PC Finder?

  1. 1. Select your game.
  2. 2. select the resolution you want.
  3. 3. Based on the game and resolution you select, you’ll see what gaming desktop pc’s are recommended.
    • Checkout and your ready to game!

Whats the difference between the resolution options?

Deciding whats best will be based on your budget, and the type of content you want to watch. 4k will support the highest content such as blue-ray and content on streaming services that support 4k. Resolution will go as follows from lowest to highest: 1080p, 2k, 4k.

Can I select more than one game?

Yes, click to your heart’s content up to 4! Select any game you see to best help us choose your new PC.

Do I have to purchase a monitor?

If you want a monitor to fit your new gaming PC. Search “monitor” on Newegg then select your desired resolution from the “Recommended Resolution” filter.

What does the time spy score mean?

With the built in Time Spy Score, you can see how well your machine will perform. A higher score means you will get better performance out of your PC and may be able to run games at a higher FPS.

What is the best website to get a gaming PC?

If you’re looking for a high-quality gaming PC you’ve come to the right place! After selecting games you love our Gaming PC Finder will narrow down the results to all available PCs. You can then filter the results further by FPS, Time Spy Score, CPU, GPU, Memory, Motherboard, SSD, HDD, PSU and price to find the perfect fit.

Updated on February 27, 2025

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