Reporting a delivery issue

If you experience any delivery issues with your order, let us know within 15 days from delivery date. Please see steps below on how to report a delivery issue.

How to report a delivery issue

  1. Sign in then find your order within your order history
    • As a guest customer, you can Find Your Order here
  2. Select DELIVERY ISSUES located to the right of the item, then select your items and tracking.
  3. Follow the prompts to select the reason, and leave a detailed description of the issue.

    • We’ll need additional information with return Lost Shipment. When selecting your tracking number, all items with this tracking number will automatically be selected. If other items need to be returned under a different return reason, please initiate a separate request.
    • For Damaged Shipment, be sure to include clear pictures of the damaged items and shipping box, even if the box is undamaged.
    • Further details and a confirmation will be sent to your email.

Return FAQ

Please see the following important reminders when returning an item.

Whats the return processing time?

  • The processing time after a return is received is within 2-3 business days. You will receive an email notification when your return is received and when it is processed by the returns department.
  • If related to a special case such as damaged, lost package, etc. processing time frames will be emailed to you.

Do I need to return multiple items separately for regular returns?
For returns of multiple items that would need to be shipped back to Newegg separately, please set up a separate return for each item so that each package is issued its own shipping label.
Updated on March 15, 2023

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